USNDA Chapter Initiation/Reactivation
Membership in USNDA is open to all students interested in supporting the goals of the organization. USNDA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, and physical or mental disability.
Requirements to Maintain Active USNDA Chapter Status
- Members must pay national dues of $35 and local dues (if applicable).
- Members will be classified as Honorary Members of SNDA (no right to vote nationally).
- Each chapter must have at least 1 meeting for every full month of the school year (summers excluded).
- Each chapter must have at least 1 local dentist to shadow.
- Each chapter must host a High School Dental Outreach Program each school year.
USNDA Chapter Initiation Steps
Step 1
Contact the National Members-At-Large by email to express interest in establishing a chapter at your undergraduate institution
Step 2
All interested members should complete the individual membership form and pay national dues
Step 3
Attain a faculty advisor
Step 4
Create, ratify, and adopt the USNDA Constitution