SNDA Chapter Initiation/Reactivation
In order for a new SNDA to be established or a previously existing chapter to be re-established, a potential chapter members must complete the following steps:
Step 1
Identify an advisor at the potential chapter’s dental school
Step 2
- Follow any university guidelines necessary to establish/register an organization on campus.
- Establish a Chapter Constitution and By-laws
- Elect a local executive board. Once chapter President is identified – must be added to President’s GroupMe (must contact DRC by email to be added).
- Complete Chapter Contact form & attend monthly Presidents meeting (must contact DRC by email for form & monthly meeting information)
Step 3
Must advise DRC by email of the chapter’s desire to present a speech at an HOD meeting for chapter initiation.
Have delegate(s) present at the Mid Year Delegates Meeting or National Convention.
- Delegate must present a speech at the House of Delegates meeting.
- Speech topics should include (but are not limited to):
- Chapter Initiation Reasoning
- Sustainability Plans (May also present examples of past events held)
- Visions, missions, and plans for new chapter
- *Potential chapters are allowed to carry out local programming prior to being voted in as a new chapter and can use those events as examples given in their speech. – hosting local programming prior to presenting the chapter speech is not required, but an option.
Step 4
Receive a majority vote at the either House of Delegates Meeting for chapter initiation.
For more information about Chapter Initiation, please check out our constitution and chapter manual.
Questions? Please contact our Director of Regional Communications for more information.